Many of you may remember that CSG and Cook Community Builders helped significantly after the Haitian Earthquake back in 2011. We then supported a local non profit group, NCompass, by donating time, money and resources to sponsor 4 students (you can find them in our Mt. Hood conference room at CSG HQ). Here is a note from Ncompass director Stephanie Jenkins:
Hi Molly,
I wanted to pass on some good news: Modeline has graduated!! She got her diploma in Cosmetology and is ready to go find a job! Our Directors will continue to guide her as she finds a job and a place to live. We will be sure to update you as all of that progresses.

Our process at Ncompass is to walk beside our graduates as they start their lives in the real world. Finding a job is different in Haiti and can be very difficult, as the job market is very weak. An example of how different it is to start out is that they pay rent yearly- and it's all due upfront. Our goal is for our new adults to continue to be sponsored for 6 months after they graduate to help them get established. After 6 months, the Directors will do a check in and re-look at what assistance is needed.
You have been an integral part of Modeline's success- thank you so very much! I know she is so grateful for this opportunity that she has been given. I've included a photo of her graduation below for you.
Thank you again so much,
Congrats to Madeline and be on the lookout for more great CCB stories and opportunities to support!