Cook Solutions Group

Cook Community Builders.

Cook Community Builders Logo | Cook Solutions Group

Employee Volunteer Program
Cook Community Builders

Cook Community Builders (CCB), is an internal company volunteer program in which all full-time employees are entitled to use up to 16 hours each, per year of company-paid time to assist in our local community. “Local community” could mean anything from their child’s school to assisting with major charities like Red Cross, JDRF, etc. The program has had great success and we are excited to say that we have tallied over 1000 community hours company-wide!

Our core values include:

  • Customer Commitment: We develop relationships that make a positive difference in our customers’ lives and exceed expectations.
  • Teamwork: We work together across our company, collaborating amongst our diverse departments and geographical regions to deliver unbelievable customer service.
  • Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our actions. Treat customers and fellow coworkers like you’d want to be treated.
  • Adaptability: We innovate and adapt well to change. In fact, we embrace it and encourage bright ideas.
  • Giving Back: Volunteerism and mentoring are super important to us. We recognize the importance of volunteering within our local communities.

Cook Solutions Group & Quality Trailers Inc. have partnered to help rebuild Lahaina!

Cook Community Builders program is raising funds to provide a new Food Trailer for Dee's Poi Mochi, a famous Lahaina food truck.

CSG Customers, Employees & Family - We kindly request your valuable support. With the help of Quality Trailers Inc. and CSG's Cook Community Builders program, we are asking for donations to get Dee's Poi Mochi back up and running! Dee lost everything during the devastating fires in Lahaina Maui. Her family's place to live, her husband’s truck, and their famous food trailer. Insurance is only covering a fraction of the costs they need to get back up and running.

Dee's Poi Mochi Food Truck before and after pictures

Dee's Full Story: Dee’s Poi Mochi is not just any food truck. It symbolizes the rich tapestry of Hawaii's history and culture. The significance of taro (her business logo and her main ingredient) and poi in Hawaii extends beyond mere sustenance. They represent the very essence of Hawaiian heritage, embodying the connection between the people and their ʻāina (land). By assisting Dee, we would not only be aiding an individual family but also contributing towards preserving this culturally significant business, ensuring that the roots of Hawaiian tradition continue to nourish future generations. Tragically, the recent wildfires have taken away both her home and her beloved trailer – her source of income. Imagine the pain of losing your home and then, in the same breath, losing the very means by which you support your family. That's the unimaginable situation Dee finds herself in. Yet, she continues to shine and reaffirm hope and aloha to her community, even after sustaining such a catastrophic impact. Maui, as we know, is not an easy place to rebuild one’s life. The cost of living is steep, and even a short-term displacement can result in significant emotional, physical, and financial trauma. While the community is rallying together, it will take more than just words to help Dee and her family find their footing again. A huge thank you to our partner, Quality Trailers Inc. of Portland who have graciously discounted the cost of the food trailer to help the cause!  To meet Dee and her Family you can watch the full length video here.

Mahalo (Thank You),

CSG and Quality Trailers Inc.

This is the NEW trailer we are working on getting for her.
This family has endured unimaginable loss, both in terms of their belongings and their sense of security. Your generous contributions can make a significant difference in their lives during this challenging time. Whether you can spare a little or a lot, every dollar donated will contribute to their recovery and rebuilding efforts. Please consider making a donation today to provide immediate relief and assistance to this family. Your support will not only help them rebuild their physical lives but also send a powerful message of solidarity and empathy. Together, we can help them find hope amid the ashes and move towards a brighter future.

Dee's Future Poi Mochi Food Truck

Non-profits we work with.

If you didn’t know already, Cook Security Group employs a TON of people who love to run, including CEO, Brian Cook! For the last five years, we have been participating in an event called Hood to Coast which is a 200-mile relay that stretches from Portland, OR to Seaside, OR. All proceeds raised go to benefit the Providence Cancer Center. Click here to learn more about the Hood to Coast Event.

Each year our client, Unitus Credit Union hosts an event called “Wine on the Willamette” which is an annual event benefiting Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and the Children’s Miracle Network. The event takes place aboard the Willamette Star yacht where guests can enjoy boutique wines from Europe, Australia, California and the Pacific Northwest along with an array of hors d’oeuvres. Between sponsorships, event ticket sales, and the silent auction proceeds, Unitus was able to raise over $47,000! Click here to learn more.

Cook Community Builders are a proud sponsor of Credit Union’s for Kids, which is a non-profit collaboration of credit unions, chapters, leagues/associations and business partners from across the country, engaged in fundraising activities to benefit 170 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Adopted as the movement’s charity of choice, credit unions are the 3rd largest sponsor of CMN hospitals. 100% of every dollar donated goes back to the CMN hospital which serves your community. Click here to learn more.

For the last three years, Cook Security Group/Cook Community Builders (CCB) has been heavily involved in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Walk to Cure Diabetes. We began supporting JDRF when one of our employees and another employee’s son were both diagnosed with Type 1. JDRF has come to hold a special place in our hearts and has opened our eyes to the thousands of children and adults diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes each year. The JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes draws people together in a healthy activity for a worthy cause, raising money to improve the lives of every person affected by T1D by accelerating progress on the most promising opportunities for curing, better treating and preventing T1D. It’s fun for families and builds camaraderie among company employees. Click here to learn more about this event.

Each year, the Cook Security Group/Cook Community Builders (CCB) program donates time and supplies to assist the annual MJN “Help Fight MS” Slingball tournament. The tournament holds a very special place in our hearts because Cook employees, Randy Neu (CMO) and his brother Carter (ATM Technician) lost their mother to Multiple Sclerosis (MS). All proceeds raised from the MJN “Help Fight MS” tournament are donated to the Marilyn J. Neu Memorial Fund which goes towards fighting MS and racing for a cure. If you are interested in the tournament but have never played Slingball, never fear, it is super easy! Click here to learn more about how to play