Cook Solutions Group

Meet Piko VMS. The best video management and surveillance system ever created.

April 12, 2022

CSG launches sub brand website. Simple. Secure. Open. Piko VMS

The best video management software platform and surveillance system ever created. Watch the video and view our FAQ below.

Is Piko Video Surveillance secure?

Yes. Piko uses outbound ports only and supports 1-10,000+ cameras.  Even in transmission, the video is secure and encrypted.

Is Piko Video Surveillance user friendly?

Yes. Piko VMS is easy, user friendly, allows custom video cluster creation and includes smart search to quickly find video footage or event.

Does Piko Video Surveillance integrate with open APIs?

Yes. With open APIs, Piko VMS integrates with alarm, access control, fire and other IoT.

Does Piko Video Surveillance save time and labor hours?

Yes. Piko is the equivalent to 1-2 FTE as staff save thousands of labor hours and become much more efficient.

What are the best Piko Video Surveillance features?

Piko VMS plug ins include line detection, object detection, people and area detection, retail analytics and much more.

Does Piko Video Surveillance have a remote app?

Yes. Piko VMS offers a mobile app for phone, tablet and desktop.

Does Piko Video Surveillance offer a Managed Service?

Yes. Piko is RemoteView capable and can be packaged with Cook Solutions Group’s full all-inclusive video surveillance managed services. Best in class hardware also available.

Is Piko Video Surveillance better than other VMS platforms?

Yes. Piko is the best video management software and surveillance system ever created. It's simple, secure, and open.

Does Piko Video Surveillance provide a video on how it works?

Yes. Watch the Piko video above.

Banking Security Infographic

  1. Piko Video Surveillance: Tap into the power of Piko Video Surveillance and it's open platform to integrate all of your security systems.
  2. Hook & Chain Attacks: An ATM hook and chain attack is a type of physical attack that criminals use to steal money from automated teller machines (ATMs).
  3. License Plate Recognition: License plate recognition (LPR) using video analytics is a technology that uses video cameras and software to read and identify the license plates of vehicles passing through a specific area.
  4. Line Crossing: Line crossing video analytics is a technology used in video surveillance systems to detect and alert operators when a person or object crosses a virtual line or boundary
  5. Suspicious Activity Notification : ATM suspicious activity notifications using video analytics is a technology that uses video cameras and software to monitor ATM transactions and automatically detect suspicious or fraudulent activity.
  6. Object Detection: Object detection using video analytics is a technology that uses video cameras and software to automatically identify and track objects within a camera's field of view.
  7. Remote Entry: Remote entry using video analytics is atechnology that uses video cameras and software to remotely grant or deny access to a secure facility or area based on the analysis of visual data.
  8. Mobile Alerts: Mobile alerts using video analytics is a technology used in video surveillance systems to provide real-time alerts to security personnel or other stakeholders on their mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets.
  9. Heat Mapping: Heat mapping video analytics is a technology that uses video surveillance cameras and software to analyze and interpret patterns in movement.
  10. Remote Managed Services: RemoteView Managed Service delivers the power and convenience of an additional IT department. Powered by the award-winning support of Cook Solutions Group, RemoteView can support your IT and security workload.

Piko VMS The best video surveillance plaform

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