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Cook Solutions Group

Next Generation Technology for Banks & Credit Unions | Webinar

December 5, 2023

Next Generation Banking Technology in the cloud is the new mindset. Secure, Simple, Open. Think CSG First.

Next Generation Technology connects to everything banking including video surveillance analytics, check imaging processing, object identification in physical hook and chain ATM attacks, remote managed services, ITM, TCR, alarm, access control, and more.

Taking Complex Problems & providing simple solutions

Next Generation Banking Technology is a new mindset for banks and credit unions to be thinking about into the future. It’s all about thinking about how your institution can take archaic legacy complex systems and convert them to secure, simple, open solutions.

Next Generation Technology

Utilize open APIs under the umbrella of a SOC 2 Type 2 vetted vendor partner to deliver extraordinary customer and member experience. Next Generation Banking Technology in the cloud doesn’t have to be difficult. Serverless solutions can be simple, secure, and open. Platform creep effects nearly every bank, credit union, and business in some way.

Learn how Cook Solutions Group and Next Generation banking technology can help you evolve, integrate, and implement your platforms. Contact us below.


What is Next Generation Technology in banking?

Next-generation technology in banking refers to innovative and advanced digital solutions that are shaping the future of the financial industry. These technologies are designed to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, improve security, and keep financial institutions competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape. Here are some key elements of next-generation technology in banking:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning are transforming banking in various ways. They are used for customer service through chatbots and virtual assistants, predictive analytics for fraud detection, credit risk assessment, and personalization of financial services. AI-driven recommendation engines also help customers make better financial decisions.
  2. Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology: Blockchain technology is used to secure transactions, streamline cross-border payments, and enhance the transparency and traceability of financial operations. It's particularly relevant for reducing fraud in areas like trade finance and improving the efficiency of settlement processes.
  3. Digital Payment Solutions: Mobile payment apps, contactless payments, and digital wallets are becoming more prevalent. This includes services like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and digital currency options like Bitcoin and stablecoins. They provide convenience and efficiency for customers while reducing the reliance on physical cash.
  4. Open Banking and APIs: Open banking initiatives and application programming interfaces (APIs) enable banks to share customer data securely with authorized third parties. This allows for greater integration with fintech companies, offering customers a wider range of financial services and products.
  5. Robotic Process Automation (RPA): RPA is used to automate repetitive tasks, reduce operational costs, and enhance accuracy. Banks employ RPA for tasks like data entry, account reconciliation, and compliance reporting.
  6. Cybersecurity Enhancements: As cyber threats continue to evolve, next-generation technology in banking includes advanced cybersecurity measures. This involves real-time monitoring, biometric authentication, and encryption to protect sensitive data and customer information.
  7. Quantum Computing: While still in its early stages, quantum computing has the potential to significantly impact the financial industry. It can help solve complex financial modeling problems, optimize trading strategies, and enhance risk management.
  8. RegTech: Regulatory technology (RegTech) solutions leverage technology to streamline compliance and reporting processes. These tools help banks stay compliant with evolving financial regulations and reduce compliance costs.
  9. Cloud Computing: Cloud technology is being increasingly adopted by banks to improve scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Cloud services enable banks to store and access vast amounts of data securely.
  10. Data Analytics: Advanced data analytics tools are used to gain insights from large datasets, which can inform decision-making, risk assessment, and customer personalization efforts.
  11. Biometrics and Identity Verification: Next-gen banking incorporates biometric authentication methods like fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, and voice recognition to enhance security and streamline the login process for customers.
  12. Customer Experience Enhancements: Technology is leveraged to provide a seamless and personalized customer experience, with services like virtual financial advisors, self-service options, and real-time transaction tracking.
  13. Financial Inclusion Initiatives: Innovative technologies are used to expand financial services to underserved populations through mobile banking, digital identity solutions, and microfinance platforms.
  14. AI-powered Chatbots: Chatbots are used for customer support, answering queries, and providing quick assistance 24/7.
  15. Quantified Self Finance: Banks are exploring the use of wearables and IoT devices to collect data on customers' spending and financial habits, helping them make better financial decisions.

Why should banks and credit unions be researching Next Generation technology?

Banks and credit unions should be actively researching and adopting next-generation technology for several compelling reasons:

  1. Competitive Advantage: Staying ahead in the financial industry requires embracing the latest technology. Banks and credit unions that adopt next-generation tech can offer innovative services, better customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge in an increasingly digital marketplace.
  2. Enhanced Customer Experience: Next-gen technology can provide customers with more convenience, personalization, and accessibility. Mobile banking apps, online account management, and AI-driven chatbots are just a few examples of how technology can improve the customer experience.
  3. Efficiency and Cost Savings: Automation, AI, and other next-gen technologies can streamline banking operations, reducing manual labor and operational costs. This efficiency allows institutions to allocate resources more effectively and invest in growth areas.
  4. Security and Fraud Prevention: Advanced cybersecurity solutions, biometric authentication, and AI-powered fraud detection can strengthen the security of customer accounts and transactions, reducing the risk of data breaches and financial fraud.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: Staying compliant with evolving financial regulations is a challenge. Next-gen technology can help automate compliance processes, reducing the risk of costly fines and penalties.
  6. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence: Next-gen technology enables banks and credit unions to collect and analyze large volumes of data. This data can inform strategic decisions, identify market trends, and offer insights into customer behavior, allowing institutions to adapt and make data-driven decisions.
  7. Risk Management: Technology can assist in managing financial risks more effectively by providing tools for data analysis, modeling, and stress testing. This is particularly crucial for credit unions and banks.
  8. Access to New Markets: Digital technology can expand the reach of banks and credit unions, enabling them to offer services to a wider and more diverse customer base, including underserved populations and those in remote areas.
  9. Open Banking Opportunities: By embracing open banking and APIs, banks can collaborate with fintech companies, offering a broader range of financial services. This can lead to new revenue streams and partnerships.
  10. Innovation and Future-Proofing: Researching next-gen technology allows banks and credit unions to anticipate and adapt to future trends and customer demands. Institutions that fail to innovate risk becoming obsolete in a fast-changing industry.
  11. Environmental Sustainability: Embracing technology can contribute to a more sustainable banking model. Digital processes can reduce the need for paper, travel, and physical infrastructure, leading to a smaller carbon footprint.
  12. Customer Retention: Customers increasingly expect modern, digital services. By providing these services, banks and credit unions can retain existing customers and attract new ones, as individuals seek institutions that align with their digital preferences.
  13. Operational Resilience: Next-gen technology can improve operational resilience by enabling remote work, disaster recovery planning, and ensuring the continuity of banking services during unforeseen events, such as pandemics or natural disasters.

In conclusion, researching and adopting next-generation technology is vital for banks and credit unions to remain competitive, improve customer experiences, enhance security, achieve operational efficiency, and adapt to changing market dynamics. It's a strategic imperative to future-proof financial institutions and meet the evolving needs and expectations of both customers and regulators.